As part of a new project (further details embargoed until 11th April) we are seeking a poet, or poets, to work with us. This opportunity will take you into schools in the Fareham area in the summer term to deliver five one hour sessions supporting pupils to craft poems around a specific theme (further details will be made available upon expression of interest as we are not permitted to share this at the present time due to the aforementioned embargo).
For each session, you will be paid £100 for the hour and we can accommodate up to £20 in expenses per session. The chosen candidate/s will be asked to invoice us after the session and we will make payment by the following Tuesday to a nominated bank account.
You can apply for this role here:
Alternatively, expressions of interest are to be emailed to Please include your name, a link to a website or to a site that hosts your work and a CV. Selected applicants will need experience of running workshops with children and/or young people. Please also email and questions you have and a phone number if you would like to discuss this opportunity.
The selected applicant/s will be informed by the 17th April